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Volkswagen: 79 VW Convertible Fuel Tank, new tank, trunk compartment

The fuel line from my fuel tank keeps plugging up and has low flow, which causes the engine to sputter when it is accelerated. I have cleared it with an air hose and get good flow, but it soon plugs again. Is it possible to clear this without removing the fuel tank? If I have to remove the fuel tank how do I clean it?

Hi Ruben,

It sounds like you do need to remove your fuel tank.  The best way to do this is to empty it from the bottom, by disconnecting the lines.

Next, remove the 4 13MM bolts that hold it into the trunk compartment.

After that, carefully remove all of the lines that lead to the top of the tank (including the filler neck line).  I would further suggest replacing this neck as a matter of good maintenance.

Once that is done, the fuel tank can be easily removed from the top.

Safety note: Make sure all the fuel is drained out, and always have a fire extinguisher handy.

If your tank is that bad, it may be worth replacing the tank, as they are under 100.00.

Whatever you decide to do, you can obtain cleaners or a new tank at the following site:


Best of luck, thanks for writing.
