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Volkswagen: Coil/wiring Problems!, fuse panel, fuse box

I have a question on the wiring of my vw's coil. The black power wire to the + on the coil is reading 12volts when I test it with the volt meter off of the coil. However as soon as I connect it to the coil it lowers to 4 volts. The car will not start. When I by pass the wire and take 12volts direct from the battery to the coil it fires up right away. The coil was tested at autozone and they said it looked OK. Its driving me crazy! ...any ideas. Why would the 12volts black wire power down to 4volts when connected to the coil?


Hi Mike,

It sounds like that wire has a fault in it to the fuse box.  The best action would be to look at the wiring diagram where it connects into the fuse panel. (I belive it is either #9 or #12)

Once you find it, replace the black wire, and run it to the back.  This should solve your problem.  I heard this condition happening a couple of times before.

Let me know how you make out.
