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Volkswagen: 1977 vw bug convertible, brake shoes, burning rubber

I purchased this bug about 2 months ago. All has been fine,The car seams to run well, but after a few miles I get this odor.  The odor smell like burning rubber. (really strong)  I also get a "clicking" noise when making a right turn only when the clutch is engaged.  This all only occurs after driving approximately 15-20 miles.  I can't locate the clicking noise nor the odor.  Pls. let me know what you think. Reliving my VW day's, 21 years latter. Paul


It sounds like you have brakes which are out of adjustment.

Most likely, the burning rubber smell is one or more of the brake shoes rubbing against the drum.  In addition, the clicking sound is probably a spring or the emergency brake cable rubbing as you corner.

The best way to confirm this is to raise each wheel and see if they spin ok independently.  If one seems jammed, back the shoe off a little by turning the adjusting star behind the wheel.

This does not sound like a major problem, however, I would take caution before driving again until you have it resolved.

