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Volkswagen: 2003 VW GTI 1.8L Turbo Transmission Fill Hole Location, vw gti, orange cap

QUESTION: I recently accidently drained Tranmission Fluid from my girl friends car.  I can't seem to find where the fill hole is at on this model of car.  Does anyone know where the fill hole for the tranmission fluid is located?  Can it be reached without removing other parts?

ANSWER: is this car an automatic or a manual transmission?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The Car is a 5 speed automatic with Tiptronic.

honestly, without the factory scan tool or similar to measure temperature, you will not have too good of luck with this refill.  You should see from the engine bay looking down a small red/orange cap... once this cap is broken off you can fill through it.  Once the car is at the correct temperature, with the drain plug removed, you fill the trans. until fluid flows from the drain hole.  Also,.. Patrick you need to purchase the correct fluid for this transmission.  (brand name is pentosin)
let me know if I can help anymore,