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Volkswagen: 2004 Passat TDI, valve cover gasket, 2004 passat tdi

I have 2004 passat TDI and 75K miles on it. Is it time to replace the timing belt? I was told that it would cost me 850.00 US. Is this price sound right?

honestly, I replace the belts and pulleys every 60k on all my personal customers TDI cars due to timing belt loss is expensive.  (more so than the gas cars) As far as money, it really depends where in the country you are and their labor rate.  I charge four and half hours labor on most TDI cars, except if they are oil leakers then the amount goes up.  Please make sure you ask what all they replace when they do this job for $850..   you could be getting a new water pump, front seals, valve cover gasket, etc...Or they may just be stabbing you.   Give them a call and see what they say and let me know.  I'm in South Carolina if that would help you at all,
Good luck