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Volkswagen: 1979 VW Conv Oil Spurt, paint job, highway speeds

For the last 2 years, my 1979 VW Conv Beetle, will spurt oil when driven at highway speeds at outdoor air temps in the 80s and 90s.  The oil spurts all over the engine compartment and leaks out the back end.  The hot oil damages any plastic parts in its path and will do a number on the paint job.  The mechanic I work with has tried to address the problem by checking all hoses, connections and values but with no success.  Am I limited to slower speeds and cooler days, or is there a fix to this problem.  (I notice there is a conv beetle at his shop with the same problem and signature oil running out the back end.)  I'd welcome your suggestions.

Hi Peter,

This is not normal.  I would suggest that you clean up the engine really well.  It may take a while, but remove all signs of oil.

Take it for a spin around the block and than observe underneath the motor, perhaps put a piece of newspaper underneath it to catch the oil.

Before I can give you the best advice I can,  I need to know exactly where it originating from.

Pay close attention to:

- Between the engine and transmission
- The fan around the back of of the motor. (CAUTION: only feel for the fan when the engine is not running).

Again, this is not normal.  I own a 1978 Conv w/ Air Conditioning and have never encountered the problem.

Let me know, and we can trouble shoot it together.

Take Care,
