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Volkswagen: vw beetle, newer cars, little car

I'm 16 years old and my parents are looking to buy me an old vw beetle. i am in love with them. what is the mileage? also I've heard that they are very unreliable. how much would a nice, but not too nice, dependable beetle cost? would it be a good investment for a teenager who plans to be driving it through college and beyond?
I'd appreciate any help.


You can find reliable VW's on one of the biggest and most reputable sites that I know of:


4K should get you a nice beetle that is reliable.   If the body, brakes, interior, tires, are all in wonderful condition.  

You can get a rebuilt engine for around 1,000 that will last you for a very long time.

Good Luck,  if they are cared for properly, they are very reliable.

Gorgia, the only thing you need to be careful of, is that it is a little car, and you need to drive it carefully and always wear your seat belt.

They don't have all the fancy airbags that newer cars have and the brakes are a bit harder to stop it than the new ones.

So, if you are very careful driving it, and you set a budget of 4-5K you will be fine.

Again, here is the site:


Best of luck, let me know what you decide to get, you'll love it.  
