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Volkswagen: Warning Light, head gaskets, compression check

I just got my car out of the shop, it was indicated that the oil system malfunctioned and was supposed to be fixed. My emissions workshop warning was and the warning light when I brought my care in. Well, I got the car out of the shop two days ago and the same warning light is coming on. Is the car fixed or do I need another opinion. I was told when I first brought the car to the shop, that I might need a new engine or just have my insurance total the car out all together if it is beyond repair. The head gaskets were changed along with all that goes with the oil system. I don't know what to do! Help? Your expert opinion will be of great help to me.


The next thing you should do is have a compression check on the engine.  This will let you know if there is sufficient pressure in the cylinders to fire the engine correctly.

This is the best test to perform to see what state your motor is in.

Next have the oil pressure checked.

These two tests will help you make a decision as to what the next step is.  (plus, they are inexpensive)

Good Luck!
