Volkswagen: clicking noise, jetta gl, fuse panel
QuestionRon, I just bought a 96 jetta GL and when i turn the weel or even touch it to the left it makes a horible clicking noise. I took the plastic off around the weel below and above and noticed the noise was coming from a wire harness on the left hand side,the only one, on that side . and it also clicks at the fuse panelany ideas o how i can get it to stop clicking would be greatly helpful. Also every time i touch the steering weel the horn goes off i had to take the fuse out to drive it.any sudgestions ?
AnswerHi C.J.
This is a tough one, I never heard of this particular issue. You may want to check the fuse panel to make sure no water has got in there. (a common VW issue). In addition, pull out the relays in the fuse panel and check the prongs. See if they look corroded or dirty.
Let me know what you find out.