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Volkswagen: start up niose, belt tensioner, rrrrrr

I just bought a 1.8T 2002 Jetta. First day it ran great and quiet. Now when i start it up..it makes a "rrrrrr" sqeal sound. Sounds like its close to the front of the engine best i can tell. Not sure..has a draging belt sound.. but only does it at start up..otherwise its quiet. Any advise,thoughts ,commments would be great. Thank you


My apologies for the delay!

This most likely is from the belt tensioner.  The best way to test this is to take a long screwdriver and place the metal part on the tensioner and carefully put your ear to the top of the screwdriver.

This will act like a 'stethoscope' and you will be able to hear loud and clear the troublesome component.

Best of Luck!
