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Volkswagen: 2006 Beetle water in rear passenger footweell, turkey baster, water trickle

Found your comments on a 2003 Beetle leaking water into the rear passenger footwell - but I don't see the tubes in the door jam of the passenger door as you mentioned in the 2006 Beetle (TDI).

The dealer has failed to fix this leak twice now (they've been associating the leak with the sunroof) - but I'm wondering if they are missing the real cause.  


This sounds like the sunroof.   There are two drain tubes that run from the sunroof down through the car, utimately dripping the water run-off on to the ground by the door areas.

I suggest checking the top of the sunroof to ensure that there are no clogs in those little drain holes.

Second, look under the VW towards the front.  (after the door, but before the wheel well).  If you drive in conditions where you could get road-dirt under the car, you may need to spray it down.

If you still can't find it,  here is another suggestion:

Take a turkey- baster (or similar) and flush some water through the tube inlets on the actual sunroof.  You should see the water trickle out the bottom of at least one of the sides.

Once these passageways are clear, you should have no problem.  

Best of luck, please let me know how you make out.
