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Volkswagen: fuel pump troubles, push rods, electronic fuel

That would be helpful but I have an electronic fuel pump installed! Might it be a problem before the pump?

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Question -
I have a 1968 Beetle with what I was led to believe is a 1974 motor. My fuel pump is making suction and I have, using suction from my own mouth, found that fuel is indeed traveling through the line from the tank. Yet when I attempt to start and run the engine, no fuel is coming through the pump. What might be some causes for this?

Answer -
Hi Kevin,

Check your book.

1968 Engines and 1974 Engines both have different length fuel pump push rods.

You need to make sure you have the right one in there.


The only possible things I can think of are:

either the fuel hoses leading to the pump are hooked up in reverse.

the fuel tank has a clog in it.

the fuel pump itself is defective.

Troubleshoot these three items and let me know what happens.