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Volkswagen: Bus engine rebuild?, rod seals, tune ups

Hi Ron.  I have a 79 VW Westy, FI.  On a scale of 1-10 I would rate my skills as a 3.  Oil Change, Tune ups.. push rod seals, I can do.  

Anyway, my engine has been sounding a bit off lately.. tune up didn't help.. checked compression.

1 and 3 were 30 or below!!!  What's my next step?
Try to pull the heads off myself and have them machined.. or is that just treating the symptoms and should I go for a full engine rebuild.  If so, how do you find a good shop to do it since I don't think I have the expertise or the time?

FYI.. even on two cylinders it runs like a champ.

Hi Bill,

Your best bet is to have your engine rebuilt, and start off new.

I know an excellent rebuilder, they even call you on the phone so year can hear the test run!

I believe a new motor is around 1,000-1,500

If you need that information, let me know and I'll look it up for you.
