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Volkswagen: Oil light and oil pressure, oil light, oil pressure

I just bought a 74 Thing and after tuning it up and getting it running pretty well I noticed the oil pressure light flickering on and off.  It seams that is is off most of the time when it is pulling in the first three gears but comes on and stays on when crusing in fourth gear.  I had a 66 bug years ago and I seem to remember that happened with it.  I don't want to burn the engine up so I was wondering if this is a problem I need to really be concerned with?  I am also wondering if the front seats in a 74 Thing are the same as Beetle seats?

Hi Buddy,

The light should only be flickering (if at all @ idle after a long trip)

If it comes on while you are driving,  especially in fourth, you should begin troubleshooting, and not drive it.

First, let me know what manuals you have.

Also, not sure about the seats being interchangable.
