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Volkswagen: accelerating, cv joints, fly wheel

Thanks Ron,
Ok it is starting to do it in Reverse sometimes and first gear sometimes. But, that seems to be about it. It does drive fine otherwise? Vaccume leak? Fan Clutch? Help!

Followup To

Question -
Thank you, I have tighten all the bolts for the tranny, replaced cv joints on the drivers side as well as they are worn. The problem still persist. As suggested I started out driving in 2nd gear the bus drove fine! What would be the next step?

Jason Sullivan

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Can you help? I have a 78 westy stick 2.0 EFI. My problem: while accelerating from a dead stop in first gear the bus does not drive properly. It only does this in first gear, the clutch is not popping out it is just not driving smooth like the rest of the gears once out of first. It feels like it is accelerating fine. It does not want to die and it still moves in first it is just choppy like a studder step sort to speak.
I have been given advice but not sure who to believe. The guy I bought if from said it was a loose tranny bolt? One person told me to clean all the electrical connections and another told me the fly wheel was bad. Not sure who to believe or really why they believe it, no further detail was given as why it might be the electrical or fly wheel. This is my first VW and I am in it for the hobby of bringing it back to good working condition. I would like to do the work myself but doing both of those seem like a big project each in of it self. If i could pin point the best case scenerio I think I would feel better. I have a hanes manual and the complete guide to keeping your VW running for idiots and am just plain lost on the matter. Can you help? Thank you in advance.

Jason Sullivan
[email protected]

Answer -
Hi Jason,

Although I only recommend trying this once...start out in 2nd gear and see if you get any of the similar symptoms.

We need to check if it's an engine or transmission issue at this point.

Look in the Haynes manual and make sure the engine is connected to the transmission. (4 bolts)  One by the starter.  One on the other side top of the transmission.
Than two big nuts on the bottom.

Next, check the front of the transmission (closest to the front of the VW).  Make sure that those bolts are on and tight.  (use the Haynes Manual for reference).

This will give us a starting point, and at least eliminate the 'loose transmission bolt' that the previous owner was speaking of.

Take Care....


Answer -

No other problems while you are cruising on the highway?  Does the engine run smooth otherwise?

Let me know.




This is very hard to diagnose via e-mail, due to the fact that I can't put my finger on exactly what the bus is doing.

It sounds clutch chatter, and it is safe to assume that it is definately not electrical or vacuum-related.   Next, the engine does not have a fan clutch, so you don't have to worry about that.

At this point, I highly suggest that you remove the engine, and we are going to have to troubleshoot from there.

It is not a difficult job, but you need a good manual, and a lot of patience.

I'll be here to help you along the way.
