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Volkswagen: 67 Ghia Coupe - Cable replacement / Oil leak, accelerator cable, clutch cable

Hi Ron,

I have a 67 Ghia in need of some attention.  The parking brake recently came apart (had been a bit unbalanced and weak already) and when I reassembled it the cable looked frayed.  It now needs chocks to stop rolling into my house since leaving it in gear doesn't completely stop it rolling either. This leads me to believe I need to replace the clutch as well as the handbrake cables ... probably no harm to replace the accelerator cable too.? I have bought all the cables but I am unsure of how to go about installing them.  I would appreciate any advice you have.
There are also a lovely collection of oil drips on the screws around the oil filter which makes me think someone has overtorqued them at some stage. Is there something I can use to fix this without re-boring the holes, or is that the best solution. I would prefer not to do that myself.

Thanks in advance and ... sorry for the long-winded question.


Hi Richard:

The e-brake cables simply slide through the sleeves and you can adjust them.

The accelerator cable is the same.... simply unhook it from the pedal and pull it out through the area where it comes to the carb.

Do the same with the clutch cable...easy to replace.

To check your clutch:

Start the car:  Put the Ghia in 2nd gear with the brake on (after you fix it).   Give it a lot of gas and pull the clutch up like you are taking off.  If the vehicle does not move and the engine is running,  you need to replace the clutch.   If it stalls out...you are ok.

Only perform this test once or twice, as it is hard on the engine and clutch.

Best of luck.
