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Volkswagen: 2001 Passat problems, oxygen sensor, vw dealer

I have a 2001 Passat with 48000 miles on it.  It has been a good car, but all of a sudden (in the course of 1 week) the following has happened:

1) Rear passanger window won't go down even though I can hear the motor working.

2)  The air conditioning runs tepid and I seem to be getting warm air sometimes (even when the air conditioner is not on)

3)  My yellow check engine light came on.  I read that it could be the gas cap, so I removed the cap and made sure it was on tight.  The light went off, but came back on the next day.  Does this indicate a larger problem?

The VW dealer here is absolutely untrustworthy and I would like to know something about these problems before I take my car in next week.  Thanks!

The rear window regulator most likely is broken.  I'd suggest bringing it to the dealer.

The Air Conditioner probably needs a charge.  The new refrigerant is available in any auto store with a gauge to measure pressure.  Get the flouescent-type, this way if there are any leaks, you will see exactly where it is.
This costs under $20.00 including the gauge.

First order a new gas cap from the dealer, the gasket or it's pressure mechanism may be bad.   If that does not fix it, replace the oxygen sensor and you should be fine.

Good Luck Jaime!