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Volkswagen: 2000 VW Beetle, buzzer sounds, vw owners

I have the VW owners manuals.
My question is this.  My 2000 1.8L turbo has had a number of electrical quirks.
My a/c worked last summer, but not this summer. So, before bringing it into the shop, my dad checked the fuses to make sure that wasnt the problem. All he did was make sure they were all pushed in properly. Now my red brake light flashes when I drive (the one that comes on with the emergency brake) and the ABS light comes on also.  The worse part, once I get above 1500rpm the buzzer sounds and will not stop until the car is stopped.  
The car is going in for an overhaul soon but in the mean time I need to deactivate that buzzer - its driving me crazy and I can not concentrate. Its not just the door buzzer - its the sound of the oil light buzzer.  Its so loud.  Are you able to tell me how to shut it off?  I can not find anything in my manual to help me.  

Hi Brandy,

I would bring it to a VW dealer right away and have them plug it into the computer.  It is not expensive, and it will give a print-out of everything that may be causing these problems.

This is the quickest way to fix this.   It could be one simple sensor.  
