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Volkswagen: Jetta air conditioning, electrical tests, jettas



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Question -
I have two jettas, both, 1997, the air conditioning is not cold.  when I hook up the guages to jetta number one, it reads 70 at both gauges.  what do I do next? is ther some electrical tests I can perform, or jump the compressor so it kicks in?

Answer -
Hi Greg,

Is the compressor kicking on, or is it just cycling or not turning on at all?


Compressor will not kick on at all- can I jump the compressor to turn it on?

Hi Greg,

I wouldn't advise jumping the compressor to turn it on.   A safety switch is keeping it off to prevent it from burning out, due to low refrigerant.

You need to get more pressure in the system by adding refrigerant.  The pressure from that alone should be enough to kick it on.
