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Volkswagen: Radio, amp fuse, little fuse

Thanks for the info!  I checked that fuse the same night and it looked great.  I plugged it back in and then turned on the radio!  This has happened once before.  I don't know if the fuse was lose (how could that be?) or if the radio just finally decided to come back on after a few days (which is what it did last time).  Also, I thought to myself, "we haven't tried turning the radio on when the key isn't on", so i tried that, and it worked.

I don't know.  All I know is that it's back.  I figure we'll have it for another couple of years and then it will go on a 2-day vacation again.  Have you heard of this issue with other Golfs?

Thanks again,

Followup To
Question -
I know you already answered this question, but I'd like to ask a follow up.  We are also having a problem with our radio (2002  Golf), and we've looked in our manual, but we cannot find anything mentioning which fuse is for the radio.  Can you give more hints?  Like what page it might be on?  Ok, probably not that, but we're really struggling.

Many thanks!

Answer -
It should be a 25 AMP Fuse #43, if I'm not mistaken.  Also, I believe there is a fuse directly plugged into the rear of the radio as well.

Just make sure you have your radio code handy in order to restart it.

Let me know how you make out.


Hi Mickey,

Glad to hear your radio is now functional!   Most likely it is that fuse, and a poor connection.

Let's keep our fingers crossed this never happens again, but if it does -- simply spray some contact cleaner in the socket where the little fuse goes, and buy a new fuse as well.

This way, you will never have these problems again.   Also, to my knowledge, this is not a very common problem w/02 Golfs, so you should be just fine.

Enjoy the tunes, and glad to have helped!
