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Volkswagen: Clutch question, clutch master cylinder, hydraulic problem


Ron,I took the clutch master cylinder off and I really can't tell if its okay.Thanks for the advice.It started when the hose from the brake m/c swelled up and collapsed.I replaced the blue hose and now I have the hydraulic problem.I bled the m\c and it worked for a day then the pedal went to the floor.I haven't bled the slave but I will tommorow.Do you think with the pedal going to the floor the slave cylinder is the culprit?Probably got some air in it when the hose collapsed.Anyway I appreciate your help,I'll let you know what happens.

Hi Larry,

Thanks for the clarification.

The slave cylinders are pretty robust, so most likely just bleeding it will bring the pedal right back up to it's normal pressure, and it will not fall to the floor any more.

Very common problem, but easily fixable.

I'm suspecting since the hose actually collapsed, that it's just a matter of bleeding the slave cyl.

Let me know how you make out.

