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Volkswagen: 73 Super Beetle, positive crankcase ventilation system, positive crankcase ventilation

My newly acquired bug didn't pass smog, one reading was 1986 (limit 700).  We have a Haynes Repair Manual.  What can my husband do to get it to pass?

Hi Michelle,

Smog tests for a 1973 huh?  Wow, I'm on the East coast and that kind of testing is a thing of the past!

Here are some suggestions, perform the operations in this order:

1) Adjust the valves per the Haynes manual.

2) Make sure the carb. is fastened on tightly.

3) Make sure the spark plugs are not fouled.  They should have no oil on them at all.   Fouled plugs will leave unburned fuel and cause a high smog reading.

4) Check the distributor cap and rotor,  there should be no lines of carbon on either.  If there is, replace.

5) Replace the ignition points.

6) Adjust the timing to the recommended setting in the Haynes manual.

7) There is a tube that goes from the oil filler area to the air cleaner,  make sure that is properly secured.

8) Ensure all of the emission components are hooked up.  The manual will help you with this.  Look for the following:
      -  EGR Valve and assembly (if applicable)
      -  EEC Evaporative Emmission Control
      -  PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation System

9) Change Oil

10) Change Air Filter

This is a typical tune-up, along with a verification of the emmission systems.   The total cost to do this should be under $60.00.   In most cases fixing all this clears up the problem.  Take your time and follow all of the tubes/lines for the emmissions systems listed above.  They fall off and crack with age.

If all this fails,  there is an 'idle mixture' screw on your 34-PICT-3 Carb.  That will change the fuel/air ratio which may be impacting emmissions/smog.  You need to bring this to a garage to have done, as they have the equipment.

Note:  The mixture cannot be adjusted until the entire engine has been tuned and diagnosed as detailed above.

Good Luck, and please let me know how you make out.

