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Volkswagen: vw compression 1988 golf gl, golf gl, starter fluid

If you can start the engine using starter fluid, does that still eliminate the possibility of lack of compression?
Also testing voltage to the injectors, when you first turn the switch on, the voltage goes to 12v the gradually drops to zero. Is that the normal digifant control? I'm assuming its more of a protection thing if the engine does not start.
Thank you

Hi Jim,

The problem most likely lies in the Digifant system.  Some quick checks:

1) Check power to the injectors by putting a test light on one of the injector plugs from the loom.   Have someone crank the engine and see if it lights up.

2) Have someone crank the engine again, and put your hand on the fuel pump, and see if that is whirring.  (you can also smell at the tailpipe if there is fuel getting into the cylinders)

See what happens,  it sounds as if you have a fuel delivery problem.

Let me know how you make out.
