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Volkswagen: Please help me stalling problems, mass air flow, fuse box

hello i just bout a 99 passat about 6 months ago. about a month after buying it i went to go start it up and it would start but then turn off when i would hit the breake to put it in reverse and it would stall after several tries it quickly put it in reverse to leave my girlfriends house it just would stall right after it would start up started it and the engine light would come on the next day and ran perfect no problems for 2 week then it did it again same simptoms then no problems fro months untill it stalled on me ata stop light,i started it up quickly put it in drive and it would surge like it was running out of gas then run smooth so i partked it the check engine light came on i took it to the machainic they put ran a test the engine light was because of a mass air flow sencer replace it and it was fine for about a month it did it again wile at a stop light so i tried to start it a couple times and as long as i did not hit the break it would start put my foot on the break and it would start to idle real low then stall but when my foot was on the break the right turn signal light would be glowing a little and i notice my flasher lights would work but the right turn signal woulden't now when ever the right turn sinal isent working correctly it will idle hard like befor then stall with the same simptoms as befor no one can seem to tell me waht is wrong and ill lose 3 grand if i try to sell it i love this car and would like to keep it please help me

Hi Julian,

1) Check the fuse box, see if it has signs of water dripping on it.  This is common.   If so, buy some contact cleaner from Radio Shack, take the fuses out and clean it.

2) Check all of your light bulbs (brake lights, blinkers, etc)  A bad bulb will cause this symptom.

3) Check engine light:

a) Remove gas cap, make sure the seal is good, and replace if necessary.  Tighten down firmly.

b) Replace the oxygen sensor, this causes the bucking and stalling.

c) Finally, check to see if there is a vacuum hose going to the brake booster.  REPLACE it, that will stop the stalling, etc.

The whole process is probably a $50.00 investment.

Let me know how you make out.
