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Volkswagen: Electrical - 2003 Jetta Wagon TDI, fuse box, interior light

Hi Ron,
Thanks for taking a look at my question.  About two weeks ago I drove my car through a severe snowstorm and deep snow.  When I arrived to my destination, my driver's side door open sensor seems to have stopped working.  I only assume it is the sensor because the interior light does not turn on when the door is opened, there is no beeping sound when I leave the keys in the car, and no beeping sound when I leave the lights on.  So my first question is, do you know which fuse I would need to check to see if that is the problem?
Yesterday, my wife had the car and both headlights stopped working.  When I drove it to work this morning, both headlights stayed off when I started the car, however, by the time I got to work, the driver's side headlight was on.
Do you think I just need to change the bulbs?
Do you think either of these incidents could be related?
Is this something that the dealer should look at?

Hi Anthony,

I don't think they are related.

1) I think the switch in the door got water in it, and may need to be replaced.  To check for sure see if the passenger side works.   If so, the switch screws in from the car and is not hard to do.

2) The headlights.  Look at your fuse box, see if there is any sign of water around it (or remnants of water) Take off the cover.