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Volkswagen: driver door, window seal, vw golf

I need to remove the inside door panel on a 2001 VW Golf GLS to replace the seal around the window. If you have access to the copy of the door frame for the removal of the panel, would be helpful. Also, do I need to remove the rearviw mirror?

the inside door panel is removed by removing the 3 torx 20 screws at the bottom edge, carefully remove the door light (prize it out gently using a screwdriver) remove the philips screw at the to front edge of the door card. remove either the front section of the door handle on the passenger side, or the back edge of the door handle grip on the drivers side. carefully pull up the switch panel if on the drivers side, and remove the 2 screws on passenger door, or 3 philips screws on the drivers door. the door panel should then pull off at the bottom (on plastic clips) and slide upwards at the the top to un-hook the seal. the mirror does need to be removed, carefully remove the balck cover on the inside behind the the mirror (inside car), this is screwed on plus a few clips. then remove the 2/3 mirror securing screws. the window seal should then be removed and replaced. (use plenty of lubricant, ie. wd40 or similar to allow it to slide into place) then rebuild in reverse ordewr.