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Volkswagen: VW Beetle gas smell, vw bettle, emmissions control

1973 VW Bettle has bad gas smell in cab in 2nd gear or 35-40 mph. Have had all lines traced and no leaks found. Smell is worse with full tank and on hot days.
Thanks for any help.

Sorry for the delay!

Your problem should be easy to fix.   

Since you traced all of the lines,   the most common places that cause this problem are:

1) In the EEC (evaporative emmissions control) system.

2) The rubber lines from the filler neck to the tank are cracked and fuel vapor leaks out when the tank is full.   The smell is most pronounced when you go around sharp curves (as the fuel swishes to the side and gets soaked into the rubber)

If you replace all of these hoses (under $50.00),  I am 95% confindent you will have no more smelly problems.


Bentley,  OFFICIAL VW SERVICE MANUAL 1971-1979 Type I Beetle.





Good Luck, and let me know if I can help you with anything else.
