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Volkswagen: VW Cabrio...starts when it feels like it!, vw cabrio, dash lights

Hey John,

I have a 97 Cabrio 2.0, 5 speed. Well, some days I come out and it won't start at all...not even clicking! Other days it starts right up. I have no clue if it is an old battery, the starter, alternator, ...?????????so I figured maybe you could suggests a new battery or somethig I could do before getting ripped off in South Jersey.
All I do know is that is it a real pain in the neck!
Thank you so much!

-Sandi :)

if it starts sometimes ok, after it has failed the day before then it is unlikely to be a battery fault. do the dash lights come on when it fails to start? if not then a new ignition switch and barrel may be required. if so it may be them or the starter motor. also, is the starter noisey?