Volkswagen: engine compaitbility, fiat engine, porsche 911
Questionhi i have a kit car which is based on a 1500 beetle, i have taken the engine out to rebuild it and have found it to be in pretty bad condition. Before i start to rebuild it i decided to see what my options are and then someone suggested a different engine, now i have heard storys of porcshe engines and stuff but do they fit onto the beetle gearbox?? Also ive heard that an alfa romeo 1.7 will fit straight on and also some fiat engine??? i was wondering if you know of any other engines and how hard or compiclated they are to set up with extra wiring and stuff
cheers for any help you can give me.
AnswerHi John,
Go to "Tech Talk" link, select page 13.
This shows you how to do the Type IV engine conversion. It is the least expensive and can double horsepower.
The engine used is from a 72-79 VW Bus/Porsche 911. They are the same engine.
Please let me know how you make out!