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Volkswagen: Adding water to a bettery 2003 VW Jetta, water level indicator, wear safety glasses

I have a 2003 VW Jetta 4 cyl. We are trying to trouble shoot a slow start. We think it may be the battery. The owners manual recommends checking the water in the battery before purchasing a new one and adding water if it is low. We have looked at the "eye", which is clear, and need to add water. How do we do this? we cannot find any way to ge the water into the battery. The owners manual does not help.
Thank you!

Hi Suzanne:

On top of the battery are two covers.  You gently pry them up with a thin screwdriver and you will see it comes off.

There are 6 holes in there, this is how to fill it:

1) Get distilled water

2) Fill battery to the top of the plastic thing you will see inside the hole.  Do not fill the battery to the top!
(the plastic thing/water level indicator is usually 1/2" to 3/4" down.  The key is to make sure those plates you see in the holes are covered.

3) Wear safety glasses,  just in case you accidentally fling some water - you don't want it getting in your eyes.

4) Charge battery.

5) Hopefully, it's all green 'eye' all the way.

Let me know how this makes out.

If you still have trouble, feel free to e-mail me a picture of the battery to:

[email protected]

and I'll walk you through it.

Happy Motoring!
