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Volkswagen: 1998.5 VW Jetta TDI Keyless System, vw jetta, keyless entry system

The remote keyless entry system will not work when trying to lock the doors and arm the alarm. It works fine for unlocking. I am pretty sure that the problem lies in the sensor for the hood. Especially since the keyless stopped working properly after having bodywork done on the hood and if I slam the hood the keyless will work properly for a few days. I am also having problems with the factory 6 disk CD Changer. It works sporradically and gives a CD ERR on the display. Any ideas?
Thanks for your Help,

Hi Scott,

Bring your car back to the body shop.  I assume that the body work was done on the drivers side.  There is a fusible link in there, along with a series of relays, one of which controls the central locking system.  If it works with a slam of the hood, either the relay has been damaged or a ground was not connected correctly.   Again, this should be the responsibility of the body shop.  Demonstrate the action to the shop.   If they refuse to help,  feel free to let me know, and I'll be glad to call them for you.

Second, your CD player.  It sounds like the lens has some crud on it.  The only thing I can possibly suggest would be to try to get a long q-tip with alcohol on it (not much!) and wipe off the little round lens that reads the discs.  You can only see it when the magazine is out.   If you cannot access it, you may try blowing some compressed air lightly in there.

Let me know how you make out in both instances.

Good Luck,
