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Volkswagen: Fuel Pump Trouble, componant, rare occasions

I have a 1999 volkswagon diesel beetle with 130k miles. On rare occasions it has died while going down the road, but has always restarted, sometimes quicker than others. Today it has finally let me down by not starting. I have used ether to confirm that it is not getting fuel. What do I need to check,replace,or service?
                                                                                                                       THANKS, C.P.

has the fuel filter being replaced recently? also you could remove the fuel cut off solenoid from the injection pump (situated in the back of the pump, a 24mm spanner required) and remove the spring and plunger then put the solenoid back in. if this cures the problem then it is likely to be a faulty componant. let me know how you get on with this and get back to me. thank you