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Volkswagen: 1992 VW Golf idle problems, pvc hose, obscure place

i recently purchased a 1992 VW Golf and am haveing a small problem with the idle. when i start it in the morning 75% of the time it idles really roughly and the rpm's sporadically climb between 500 and 3,000, and sometimes when i depress the clutch while still in motion, or take it out of gear and roll in nuetral, the rpm's climb up to around 3,000 as before, and then return to normal. the problem has been happening for as long as the previous owner can remember.


Need some details to help you, Taylor:

What type of engine is in it?  1.9, 2.0, etc.?

Does the "EMS light" ever stay/go on?

When was the last tune up?

How many miles does it have?

The obvious is stuck accelerator linkage, but I'm sure you would have noticed it more.   It is most likely an air leak in an obscure place, or the black PVC hose is cracked, just hard to see.

If you give me more details, I will be glad to do what I can!
