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Volkswagen: passat brake light out, new audi a4, john dempsey

Passat TDI 2004 sedan

The manual says the break light should be replaced by the dealer.  Is this true?  Is there a way that I can change it myself?   I looked in the trunk and didn't see any way to get to the burnt out bulb.  

as far as i am aware, if you pull the boot carpet out slightly behind the light it should be visible. otherwise it may have changed to a similar design as the new audi a4, where you remove a screw from inside the boot ( from boot opening pointing towards the wing) then carefully rmove the light cluster complete (held in on plastic and rubber ball sockets) and seperate the lights from the light unit. (if this is the type, the screw may be hidden behind a cap or concealed cover in the boot carpet) if neither of these are correct, i'll be able to get you the full method by tomorrow night. thankyou john dempsey.                                                                                                                 Please dissregard my previous message.