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Volkswagen: 73 karmann ghia ignition problems, vw beetle karmann, intake manifold gasket

Hi Ron,
no, no modifications at all.
The engine (1600cc), carb, electric etc. all original. The engine was overhauled some 8 years ago.

Followup To
Question -
Hi Ron,
I have this 73 Karmann Ghia that has only one problem:
It start very fine, but after 5-8 sec. the engine runs on only 3 cylinders for about 1 to 2 minute. After that everything is fine and smooth. It only happens when the engine is cold.
What can it be?
What should I do?
Thanks for your help
Answer -
Hi, did you modify anything?  (electronic ignition, carbs, etc.)


Hi Chris,

Thanks for the additional information.  I am going to recommend a book (you may already have it).

Bentley Publishers:  VW Beetle/Karmann Ghia Service Manual through 1973.

Try these steps:

1) When it starts, carefully spray some starting fluid where the intake manifold meets the cylinder head on each side.   If the engine's performance changes to '4' cylinders immediately...you most likely need to replace the intake manifold gasket and torque it down to the proper specs. 14 ft. lbs.  (have a fire extinguisher nearby for safety)

2) Adjust all your valves, while COLD.  Ensure the proper gap is .006" on all.

3) Try a compression test.  Compression should be around 100-120PSI - you shouldn't have a difference between any two cylinders greater than 25 PSI.

4) Refer to the Bentley book on how to check the torque settings on the cylider heads.  Make sure you follow the correct torque sequence.

Chris: It really sounds like that you have some loosened nuts/bolts from the rebuild.  I'm pretty confident that checking all the torques and doing the above steps will solve your problems.

The key is to fix it now so it doesn't get any worse!

Keep me posted, and sorry for the delay as I was on Holiday!

I'm here to help if this doesn't solve the problem.  

NO worries, it doesn't sound serious!

Happy Motoring.
