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Volkswagen: 71 super brakes, rubber hoses, brake hoses

I have a 71 super in good condition but the brakes seem to be
soft. I've adjusted the shoes and noticed the resivoir was low in
fluid (I have not noticed any leaks). When filling it I also noticed
the plastic cap had a large crack, could this cause soft brakes.
If I pump the pedal they get firm on the 2nd or 3rd pump.
Any help is appreciated.


Most likely, air in the lines. First check all the tubing, and make sure it isn't corroded anywhere.  Particularly the one that goes to the back.  (Goes from pedal area, on the side of the tunnel where your right foot would go while driving, than disappears into the tunnel)

If you experience the same problem after bleeding the system and find no leaks/corrided tubing... (paragraph below).  You are most likely in need of some new components.  That is covered in second section below:

Get a new cap, fill it up with fluid and bleed the brakes.  If you aren't sure how to do that,  get another person to help you and e-mail me at [email protected].   It's simple to do.  But, if you can't unscrew the bleeder valves on each wheel,  you need to buy a new wheel cylinder (abt. 10.00 - 15.00 each).  See more info below.


If bleeding doesn't help, I'd suggest the following:

Check the rubber hoses that goes to each wheel (brake hoses).  If they don't look brand new, get 4 new ones.

Buy 4 new wheel cylinders (abt.15.00 each) if you haven't already.  Buy a new master cylinder (abt. 40.00)

Check your reservoir.

Bleed entire system, be patient, it takes a while to get all the bubbles out.  DON'T blow compressed air into the lines, you don't want moisture in there.

Good Luck, keep me posted.
