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Volkswagen: jetta diesel, hammer and screw, clean diesel

My son put gas in my tdi, 2000 jetta. Once engine stopped , no attempts were made to start.
Is there a drain in the bottom of tank?
Can or should I suction tank through inlet?
Any advice would be appreciated.
I do my own maintenance. brakes , fuel filter etc.  

ther is no drain in bottom of tank. you have to remove boot carpet, under the front edge of it there is a black plate held down with 3 screws. remove this, you should then see a castle nut (mande of plastic). using a hammer and screw driver unscrew it, it is usual thread. remove the pipe and multi plug. you then need to very carefully remove the sender unit, taking care not to bend the sender arm. then syphon all of the fuel out of tank and dispose of it properly. remove the fuel filter, blow down the front to rear pipes to clear fuel out. replace the filter with a new one and top it up with clean diesel. rebuild the fuel tank end. put as much clean fuel in as you can, then remove the engine cover, unscrew the top nut of each injector and then crank the engine in 25 to 30 second bursts so not to damage the starter. when you get fuel coming from each injector tighten the nuts up again and try to start it. it may try to start, and start but cut out a few times but it should eventually bleed through and run ok again.