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Volkswagen: Cant reconnect harness connector, vw golf tdi, harness connector

I have a 2000 VW Golf TDI.  

Today I removed the MAP sensor to clean it and apply Stabilant to the terminals.  The harness connector to this sensor slipped off with no trouble. The sensor and terminals were cleaned with an electronic parts cleaner safe for plastic.

I can't get it to re-connect properly.

This is the type of connection where there is a little "nub" on the sensor body.  There is a slot on the top of the harness connector that this "nub" should fit into.

To disconnect there is a small plastic tab on the back of the connector.  This tab is pulled back to release the nub from the slot.  

This is ruining my weekend.  I am at my wits end. I would file down the nub, but the reason I'm using Stabilant is I want a more stable  connection.  Help me!

i know exactly what you mean, i have known people to break the lug off when trying to dis-connect it. the only advice i can offer is to press the connector on firmly while applying gentle pressure too the lug on it. as for the stabiliser, generally the connection is good, but the maf sensors are prone to going faulty. when this is the case you loose performance and develope a flat spot generally around 2400rpm to about 4000rpm. due to the faulty maf sensor the engine ecu shuts down the turbo.