Volvo: blue smoke on acceleration
QuestionQUESTION: I bought a 1990 volvo station wagon 740 with a rebuilt engine and transmission. I changed the master cylinder and booster because I was having braking problems and blue smoke after pulling away from a stop. For a day after the repairs it was fine and then the blue smoke returns. It does not last very long. This car was serviced by a pricey volvo specialist and a less pricey foreign car shop. New I'm letting a back yard mechanic who works for a transmission repair shop do the work because it is more affordable. The brake pads have been checked and I'm still having trouble when the pads get hot after coming down a steep grade or coming to a stop from a higher speed. I think the pads could need to be changed to fix this but I'm concerned about the smoke. Any thoughts? Sue
ANSWER: You did not say if it was a turbo or none turbo but ,sounds like possibly valve guides .This is not a common problem with this engine ,it would depend how bad to what you have to do next ,as for the brakes i would check on the caliper slide pins as they tend to seize .Sorry not more help but if the oil consumption is big you would have to look into the engine ,or get a used one ..
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It is a turbo so the valve guides is worth checking out. I wondered about dirty calipers, connections and brake hoses but I guess that is the brake issue and separate from the blue smoke. Thank you so much for your answer. This car is turning into a real challenge.
AnswerOn a turbo engine with high miles there is a good chance that the turbo is worn and this is blow by ,sometimes more noticeable cold or after a lot of idle time .Hope this helps and as a rule of thumb more common than engine wear issues on this engine ,hope this helps ..