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Volvo: 1992 740 Cold Start Valve

Hello Robert,  I am trying to find out if the 1992 740 non-turbo has a Cold Start Valve or does it use increased pulse width to the injectors for cold starts.  I seem to remember reading that 1992 was a transition year for the injection system.  

It is my son's car who lives 1,200 miles away and I'm trying to help troubleshoot the Hard Start problem he has.

Thank you,

It is hard to remember but i am pretty sure that is does and is bolted to the intake manifold,more common issues on these cars was crank sensor and heavy carbon build up on intake valves ,It would be nice to no which fuel system it has as there are two in this time regina rex and bosch lh2.4 ,bosch had less issues than regina and that would greatly help you to trouble shoot your sons vehicle.Hope i can help later rob ..