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Volvo: 2000 s80-t6

QUESTION: Changed timing belt ,now idle
Up and down 500 rpm. Vvt spins without cam a bit. 88 lbs is what i find . Am i missing something?

ANSWER: I would guess that the timing belt is on wrong i would recheck and if nec put the cam tool in the back .You can buy them online or perhaps rent one .Hope this helps ..

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have the alignment tools and used them the first time.
When i take the tool off
and tighten th,e cam sensor to cam the cam spins about 90+° without belt

when you install the belt with the came tool on ,the cvvt cam sprockets should be moved all the way by hand forward and then the timing marks should be aligined .Ishould say looking at the engine clockwise .When you have the belt off and you hold the sprocket in your hand you can turn it clockwise ,at the fully turned position your marks should be aligned and the belt should be put on .hope that helps rob ..