Volvo: ecm-644a ecm -9400
Questionmy name is ken Shannon just opened a small garage to try and help people , give them a great deal with professional service . sometimes there's that one car that your not to familiar with , well I have one . its a 1999 Volvo S80 with 2.9l , ses light is on pulled ECM-644A , camshaft not in correct position , reset valve , faulty position , faulty control and control too slow , checked the adaption values on camshaft all four was 0 deg. the camshaft shift angle was jumping around at 0 then 10 then 255.56 then 06 all around , the nominal camshaft shift angle was a 0 , not quit sure where to go . has over 100k , customer had it a year , runs great but he is going for his emissions test . do you have any ideas ? looked at alldata , not easy to read this one . thanks a million.....ken
AnswerOn that vehicle a 644 can be set for a bad solenoid but i always first look at timing .If it has had a belt recently for sure that is the direction .You will need a cam lock tool to check it not sure if you can rent one but to buy one ,i got one on ebay for about 200 dollars .Usually you are looking for desired and actual to be close ,if not then you usually have a problem with the timing belt orientation .Usually when we get them in the dealer we check the timing then see if the solenoid moves the cvvt ,Also if you reset the light does it come right back on .Usually a timing concern takes a while to set ,solenoid does not ,hope this helps rob ...