I am the happy owner of a 2007 (pre-restyling) V50 D5 5-speed Geartronic. Transmission started acting funny a few months ago : 3-2 bang, now 2nd gear would delay or not engage at all when warm (mountain driving, traffic). As per Volvo recommendations, box fluid was never replaced given the lack of pulling or heavy usage - everything by the book in its 140 000 kms life in Volvo shops. Now
Volvo shop says tranny needs replacement. I was given no error codes, no alternative solution. All I know is that it was test driven 200m and a non driving adaptive procedure applied - and failed.
Browsing forums, fluid change could help (followed by Adaptation) but box could already be beyond easy repair.
Alternatives are non volvo rebuilders and risk of spending more than immediate replacement, or immediate replacement.
I was wondering if there was something obvious that was worth trying in this condition before replacement. My guesses :
- recheck tranny oil condition (smell and look)
- read TCM codes (no dashboard warnings ever so far)
- flush oil and retry Adaptation
Would you advise anything different ?
Does this tranny have on-road adaptation procedure ? It seems the AW55-50 still had it in 2007 models and on-road adaptation seemed to have worked wonders for others.
Or maybe it is just time to bite the bullet :(
Thank you for your advice here.
Answerusually when these problems happen the only answer is replace.The valve body wears and causes clutches to go bad .You could try to have the trans flushed but in my experience this does not work.As for where to get the replacement .Well the volvo reman program is very reliable if not expensive .Unless you no of someone really good at rebuilding transmissions i think the writing is on the wall and it is time to get a replacement .Hope this helps rob ...