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Volvo: Dash lights, battery cables, dash lights


I have a 1993 Volvo and the lights on my dash suddenly came up as I was exiting the freeway.  These were the lights that were on: Battery (Generator), ABS, Brake, Park Brake, and Service.  The car was running fine and all. The brakes seem to be working okay and I know for certain I didn't have my E-brake on either.  Can you please give me a possible solution as to what this could be?  Thank you! Could this be a fuse?


I would guess that the charging system has stopped working. If you have a 240/940 look for a broken belt, slipping pulley, broken ground wire on the alternator, or defective alt. On a 850/960 test the alt and battery. Make sure on either that the battery cables are good, clean and tight. Check all your fuses there ia a chance of one or more being blown out.