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Volvo: 1994 Volvo 850 Stalling & refusing to start!, crank shaft, fuel gauge

HELP! I got an 850 2 weeks ago %26 it was fine at first. Started occasional stalling %26 starting back up fairly soon afterward. Now it may or may not start %26 when it dies, your SOL for an extended period. I've had it towed home twice in 3 days. Very little $ for garage repair/diagnostic, but did replace the fuel relay %26 filter in hopes of a fix on the cheap. The fuel pump sounds like it is working or trying to every time you turn the key. I have been told it may be a crank shaft sensor or engine speed sensor, but see way too many possible things it may be when surfing for info. Wondering what your take may be? Thanks so much for any help possible!

Most times I get a car like this I hook up a fuel gauge and drive until it has a problem. Watch the gauge and see if the fault is fuel pressure related. You can also read the fault codes to see if there are some listed for the different sensors. I have seen pumps go out and also some sensors like the flywheel pick up the cam sensor. If it will not start put that gauge on and see what the pressure is and if the pump is running. Maybe no power to the pump, fuse, or relay.