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Volvo: 2000 S40 Auto Trans Problems, solenoid valves, generic description

QUESTION: Hi Ray, My S40 recently started the flashing arrow with the check engine light when it comes to operating temperature. Simultaneously it hard shifts then goes into limp mode. When I come to a stop I can manually shift it into low then third and it shifts hard and remains in limp mode with no O/D. If I turn the key off and restart the car it shifts softly and normal thru one sequence then back to limp. Codes are fine when cold then low pressure in 3rd and 4th when warm and in limp mode. Any thoughts? Thank you for your time, Scott

ANSWER: Scott,
Might check with Volvo on an updated control unit for the trans. However if the pressure drops as the trans gets warm that would seem to indicate internal trans faults, possibly in the valve body. If the trasn goes into limp mode what are the codes? Solenoid valves? If yes you might replace them and see if that helps. All the times that I have had trans problems it has once taken a trans and once a control unit. I have done solenoids on a S70 with good results.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey Ray, AAMCO will only tell me that it came up with incorrect gear ratio and they used a generic description of the problem saying just that it was BROKE!! They wanted $700 just to crack it open and inspect it which seems a bit much when I can pick up a low mileage replacement tranny for 400-600 with a 1-1 warranty. I was just perplexed because it went thru a perfect sequence after turning off the key up to the point it tried to shift into O/D. I was going to disconnect the O/D solenoid to see if it would go into O/D unless you agree it is an internal fault!
         Thanks again,  Scott

Most likely the fault is internal and will either need solenoids replaced or since you can get a trans you are comfortable with have it replaced. You may want to pull the car out and have a shop that works on the Volvos and has the scan tools do some inspection work on it. Get a price from AAMCO low and high for a complete rebuild to see what it will cost.