Volvo: volvo stopped running while driving, volvo 240 dl, amp fuse
QuestionHi! My 88 volvo 240 dl stopped running while driving! All the electrical stuff stayed on. Radio lights etc.... I pushed on the gas and nothing happened. My brake paddle locked up and my steering locked up and was difficult to turn. I tried starting it up but it just stalled and wouldn't kick over. What could it be ?
You need to test for fuel and spark. Do the pumps run when cranking over the engine? Is there spark? That would be the first step. If you do have fuel and spark then try to unplug the air mass meter and see if it runs. Look at the intake hoses make sure that they are in place and tight. Has a wire maybe come loose at the coil or cap? Did it blow the fuel pump fuse in the fuse box? Check the fuse under the hood that comes from the battery and supplies the fuel system. It usually is a white fuse holder with a 25 amp fuse.