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Volvo: 1992 940 GL will not start, power stage, ac compressor

Hi,  I have a 1992 940 GL that will not start.  I first had a problem with the car staling because of the AC Compressor not working.  This was according to mechanic that I work with because he saw the metal shards from the compressor.  He advised to cut off the belt so that it would stop staling until he could replace the compressor for me.  My car has worked fine for two weeks since then, but it died this past week while I was driving it and it will not start at all.  Could this be related to removing the belt.  My friend the mechanic is out of town so I have not been able to have him look at it.  He said that the belt did not interfere with the electricity to the alternator.  My neighbor, who knows a little about cars, put a thing in one of the spark plugs and said that there was no spark.  Any ideas?  It cranks, but will not turn over.  Thank you in advance.
Please advise if you have any questions or concerns.

Thw belt for the A/C only drives the compressor, so not at fault. Since there is not any spark is there fuel pressure? Is there spark at the coil? All the wires on the coil? There is a power stage for the ignition that could be at fault. Easiest is to try a known good power stage. Read the codes if there is a 214 code that will be the flywheel pick up. That usually posts a code. If when looking at the pick up the wire is frayed replace it.