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Volvo: 83 Volvo 245 reliability issue..., volvo 245, fuel tank

I purchased an '83 volvo 245 about a month ago.  In that amount of time, it has broken down about four times.  Each time, it's the same thing... it will have been running for a while, I'll come to a stop (like a traffic light or something) and there will be this loud screechy-squealing sound coming from the undercarriage of the car.  Almost like something's trying to work, but isn't quite making it.  Or a very loud metallic insect that's really, really pissed off.  Then, when I accelerate from the stop, the car will sputter like it isn't getting any gas, will go for a little bit, and then just completely stall out and turn off while I'm trying to drive down the road.  If by chance I make it to my destination before it cuts off and it isn't driven for an hour or so, the sound won't be there once it is started, and it will function normally.  I had it towed into a shop after it did this on the interstate, and they couldn't find anything wrong.  Please Help!!!

Check the pre pump in the fuel tank. Possible it stops working and the main pump has to pull fuel through a non working pre pump. Or the hose that joins the pre pump to the sending unit has broken and not enough gas is getting to the main pump. That will make the main pump squeal as it starves for fuel. If in doubt replace the pre pump and hose.