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Volvo: 89 volvo, neutral safety switch, safety interlock

Yesterday, after I stopped at a stop sign, my 89 Volvo just shut off- no noise etc just off.Lights and fan do not work. I have checked the battery, alternator and fuses all are good and it has gas.  This car needs you to push the brake pedal all the way down in order to start- if you don't have it all the way down, turning the key does nothing- just like now.. someone said it might be a safety switch related to the brake?  if so, where do i find it?

Volvo did not have a safety interlock that required you to step on the brake to start. So that had to be an option at some point installed. You will have to have a tech check out the car and find this interlock and have it removed. Then see if all is back to normal. If not continue to inspect the vehicle and find what is causing it not to crank over. My guess is that the interlock is "spliced" into the neutral safety switch system.